Logically Facts is headquartered in Ireland and currently has personnel in the EU, UK, and India, with fact checks published in English. We have immediate plans to publish fact checks in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Russian, Spanish, Kannada, Assamese and Telugu.

We have ambitious growth plans to expand over the next few years as our team grows globally.



Logically Facts Ltd
Percy Exchange,
Percy Place,
Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland
D04 P5K3

Contact Form



Logically Facts Ltd
Percy Exchange,
Percy Place,
Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland
D04 P5K3

Faktatjek udgivet på verdensplan

Når vi træffer meningsfulde valg, som har betydning for vores liv, sætter vi vores lid til informationer. Men internettets natur gør, at misinformation når ud til flere mennesker hurtigere end nogensinde før