False: Cell phones produce harmful EMFs that cause cancer and other health problems.

By: Arron Williams
January 10 2023

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False: Cell phones produce harmful EMFs that cause cancer and other health problems.


The Verdict False

There is no current evidence that EMFs produced by cell phones are a risk to health, however, research is still ongoing.

Claim ID 55fc8ac8


Claims that cell phones produce harmful radiation that causes cancer and other health problems have long circulated online. These theories state that radiation from cell phones emits radio frequencies or Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs), which harm people's health, causing cancer, memory impairment, heart damage, and behavioral issues. Such online claims often connect to adverts or recommendations to purchase EMF Protection in the form of anti-EMF phone cases, stickers, or wristbands. 

In Fact

There is no evidence that the radiation produced by cell phones causes cancer or health problems. However, further research is required into its long-term effects.

Substantial scientific studies have not found any evidence that exposure to EMFs produced by cell phones causes health problems. A 2014 World Health Organization (WHO) report states there is no scientific evidence that cell phones cause short-term adverse health effects. It founds that tissue heating caused by cell phones is mainly absorbed by the skin, causing a negligible temperature increase in the brain and other organs. Furthermore, other studies investigating radiofrequency's effects on brain activity, cognitive function, sleep, blood pressure, and heart rate found no adverse effects.

The WHO also reports that research on the long-term effects of cell phone radiation exposure has primarily focused on brain tumors. It concluded that there is no established evidence that cell phones cause brain tumors but posits that further research is needed due to the lack of data on brain cancer and its link to long-term cellphone usage over more than 15 years.

Similarly, a 2022 report by Cancer Research UK, an independent cancer research organization, states that while research into the long-term effects of cell phone radiation is ongoing, no evidence has been found that shows an increased cancer risk. The report further states that radiation emitted by cell phones is weak and lacks the energy to damage DNA. Therefore it is unlikely to cause cancer. A 2022 report by The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also states that nearly 30 years of scientific evidence has not linked exposure to cellphone radiation and health problems.  

The claim that cell phones emit harmful EMFs is also linked to the well-known 5G conspiracy. The 5G conspiracy believes that 5G cell towers emit harmful beams of radiation that cause cancer or spread viruses. Logically has previously debunked 5G conspiracy claims. The 5G conspiracy frequently overlaps with New World Order conspiracy circles and the political far-right. Both groups use the conspiracy to suggest that 5G is a mechanism to control the population. 

The Verdict

Further research into the long-term effects of cellphone radiation exposure is required. However, there is no evidence that EMFs and radiation emitted by cell phones cause cancer or any adverse health effects. Therefore, we have marked this claim as false.

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