Logically Facts Accelerate

Logically Facts®

Discovers highly fact-check worthy and potentially harmful video content by extracting the claims made within them, accelerating fact-checking life cycles.


Tackle misinformation at speed and scale by reducing the time spent surfacing content to fact check.

Logically Facts® Accelerate helps Fact Checkers analyze visual content, at speed and scale, by reducing the time spent on identifying the claims within them. This improves workflow efficiency and time to intervention to decrease the overall harm caused by mis and disinformation spread by video content online.

Timely fact-checking is crucial in combating misinformation and minimizing its impact. Traditional methods often demand significant time, with approximately 60% of fact checkers' time is consumed during initial claim discovery. To enhance efficiency, Logically Facts has developed Logically Facts® Accelerate that enables proactive discovery of multimodal fact check-worthy content, both within and across platforms.

Existing verification procedures may suffer from delays and overlook certain areas, particularly those harms prevalent on alternative social media platforms. This leads to harmful misinformation persisting and evading moderation efforts.

Enables proactive discovery of mulitimodel fact check-worthy content

Logically Facts® caters specifically to fact checkers' needs. It utilizes advanced AI technology to transcribe videos and perform claim extraction analysis to provide a fact check worthiness score, giving the user a suggested range of videos to fact check.

Logically Facts® Accelerate swiftly identifies videos warranting fact-checking, thereby expediting the process and promptly mitigating associated risks. By introducing automation, we streamline identification and analysis, allowing fact-checkers and platforms to allocate resources more effectively towards verification and publication of fact checks.

Logically Facts® Accelerate is fully supported by industry experts and experience.

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Logically Facts® Accelerate Helps Users

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Logically Facts® Accelerate

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