False: COVID-19 vaccines have caused 17,503 deaths and 1.7 million adverse reactions, according to data from the European Medicines Agency.

By: Ankita Kulkarni
August 18 2021

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False: COVID-19 vaccines have caused 17,503 deaths and 1.7 million adverse reactions, according to data from the European Medicines Agency.


The Verdict False

Data from the organization has been manipulated to cast doubt over the safety of vaccines.

Claim ID f74d463b

A social media post claims that according to data from the European Medicines Agency (EMA), 17,503 people died due to adverse drug reactions for COVID-19 vaccines. However, these figures could not be found on any official database. While some individuals may have died or experienced adverse reactions after receiving the vaccine, it does not mean that the vaccine itself has directly caused illness or fatalities. The COVID-19 vaccine can cause a range of side effects such as fatigue, body pain, and a fever. These are normal signs indicating that the body is building protection against the virus, and are to be expected. The EudraVigilance is a database by EMA monitoring adverse reactions to the vaccine. The website cautions that adverse side effects are not necessarily related to or caused by the vaccines. It states: "Information on suspected side effects should not be interpreted as meaning that the medicine or the active substance causes the observed effect or is unsafe to use." The EMA's vaccine safety update notes that although fatal outcomes were reported after the vaccine, there is no evidence they were caused by the vaccine, as it may have been triggered by other predetermined health conditions. According to New York Times, extremist organizations have been spreading false information to undermine the vaccines since mass vaccine drives started in December. They use the raw data, which is meant for scientists and medical professionals, to further their agenda by interpreting it as a danger to human beings. The claim is both false and misleading.

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