False: Joe Biden is a criminal.

By: Rachel Muller-Heyndyk
February 2 2021

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False: Joe Biden is a criminal.


The Verdict False

There is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing or illegal activity on Joe Biden's part.

Claim ID 6263466b

There is no evidence of criminal wrongdoing or illegal activity on Joe Biden's part.In the run-up to the presidential election in October 2020, former President Donald Trump accused President Joe Biden of being part of an "organized crime family." There have been several rumors surrounding the president but none has been found to be true. In September 2020, a year-long investigation into Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden's activities in Ukraine, cleared Joe Biden of any wrongdoing, finding that his son's activities had no impact on his vice-presidency at the time. Biden's son, Hunter Biden, has been in the spotlight for his alleged links to international business dealings with Ukraine and China. Hunter Biden sat on the board for Burisma Holdings, a natural gas producer in Ukraine, from 2014-2019. Though some ethics watchdogs criticized Hunter’s decision to work for Burisma in light of who his father is, there’s no evidence of wrongdoing or illegal activity on his part or on the part of his father. Ukraine’s government has released a statement that they have no evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden or his father. The Washington Post reported that former Ukraine prosecutor general Ruslan Ryaboshapka audited the many outstanding case files looking into Burisma and said he found no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens. No evidence has been found which suggested Hunter got the job to influence U.S. foreign policy. Even though many experts said that it was a conflict of interest, as the son of the vice president, who had been leading the Obama administration’s policy on Ukraine, took a job as a director on the board of Ukraine’s largest private gas producer, Joe Biden has never been found guilty of any wrongdoings regarding his work with Burisma. In October 2020, the New York Post released contents of a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden. The Post claimed it has uncovered emails between Hunter Biden and Vadym Pozharskyi, an advisor to Burisma, from April 2015 in which they discuss a potential meeting between Pozharskyi and Joe Biden. There has been no confirmation of the legitimacy of these e-mails. The U.S. Attorney office disclosed the investigation to Hunter Biden in December 2020, a move which reveals that the case had moved on to a more aggressive stage where lawyers would need to be contacted, according to Fortune. Biden has not yet made a comment on this or said how he will proceed, though critics have noted that this could become more difficult as the investigation continues into his presidency.

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