Home False: COVID-19 will disappear soon.

False: COVID-19 will disappear soon.

By: Suchita Goel J

November 22 2021

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False: COVID-19 will disappear soon.


The Verdict False

Experts believe coronavirus may never go away, and we need to tide out of the pandemic gradually. A vaccine could be available by mid-2021.

Experts believe coronavirus may never go away, and we need to tide out of the pandemic gradually. A vaccine could be available by mid-2021.The Economic Times reported that according to historians, like Dr. Jeremy Greene from Johns Hopkins and Allan Brandt from Harvard, pandemics typically end in two ways: medical, which occurs when the incidence and death rates plummet, or social, when the epidemic of fear about the disease wanes. They believe the coronavirus pandemic could end socially before it ends medically. People may grow so tired of the restrictions and learn to live with the virus. In May 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) emergency director, Dr. Mike Ryan, warned that the virus might never go away, and even when a vaccine a found, controlling the disease would require a massive effort. It could take a long time for the tide to go out - possibly years. Most experts think a vaccine is likely to become available by mid-2021. But even after the vaccine is approved, it would be needed in vast quantities- which is another challenge in itself. Yet if a vaccine is developed and administered, the coronavirus is likely to remain for decades to come. Experts call such diseases endemic - stubbornly resisting efforts to stamp them out. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a lot of potentially dangerous misinformation. For reliable advice on COVID-19, including symptoms, prevention, and available treatment, please refer to the World Health Organization or your national healthcare authority.

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