False: Cyber Polygon 2021 is part of The Great Reset to shut down the internet worldwide.

By: Ankita Kulkarni
January 13 2022

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False: Cyber Polygon 2021 is part of The Great Reset to shut down the internet worldwide.


The Verdict False

Cyber Polygon 2021 is an online initiative centered on the secure development of digital ecosystems. It is unrelated to the "Great Reset" conspiracy.

Claim ID b7a5f1e0

Cyber Polygon 2021 is an online initiative centered on the secure development of digital ecosystems. It is unrelated to the "Great Reset" conspiracy.Cyber Polygon 2021 was attended by leaders of governmental and international organizations, cybersecurity experts, and technical specialists from around the globe. It is an initiative organized with the help of WEF. The discussions were mainly centered on the risks and the prevention of ransomware attacks. The term "Great Reset" has been around for years; its provenance is unknown. It all started in 2020 when the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, launched the Great Reset initiative in the face of pandemic. Conspiracists latched onto theories involving Schwab and accused the organization of pushing the concept of capitalism. The WEF began in 1971 as a European nonprofit and holds a multi-day event that has 200+ organizations taking part. Its annual meeting is held in Davos, Switzerland, and is heavily influenced by Schwab's beliefs. The WEF website says that it promotes global cooperation and reshaping capitalism. In comparison, Schwab envisions the Great Reset as an opportunity to make the world better and more resilient. Conspiracy theorists have interpreted his thoughts as proof that the global elites are trying to establish a New World Order (NWO). Cyber Polygon 2021 and the conspiracy theory dubbed "Great Reset" are in no way related. All claims made in this regard are unsubstantiated.

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