False: Garlic will prevent COVID-19 infection.

By: Rajini KG
June 26 2020

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False: Garlic will prevent COVID-19 infection.


The Verdict False

There are no medicines or remedies that have been proven to prevent or cure COVID-19.

Claim ID 72ae2a10

There are no medicines or remedies that have been proven to prevent or cure COVID-19.Garlic (Allium sativum) is a popular ingredient used to boost the immune system. It has germ-fighting properties but does not help and cure the COVID-19. Consumption of garlic can help with high cholesterol, heart attack, coronary heart disease, hypertension, and bacterial infection. The World Health Organisation states that there is no evidence that eating garlic can protect people from COVID-19. Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that the best remedy to protect one from COVID-19 is prevention, and it has released a list of prevention measures one should follow. A vaccine for COVID-19 has not been discovered yet, and currently, several potential vaccines are at different stages of clinical trials across the world, and it could take a number of years for a new vaccine to be developed. The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a lot of potentially dangerous misinformation. For reliable advice on COVID-19 including symptoms, prevention and available treatment, please refer to the World Health Organisation or your national healthcare authority.

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