False: The central government to give Rs.7500 to each citizen in India as a relief fund.

By: Ishita Goel
September 28 2020

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False: The central government to give Rs.7500 to each citizen in India as a relief fund.


The Verdict False

This information is false. The central government has not issued any notice about giving Rs.7500 to citizens as a relief fund.

Claim ID 814e0d0e

This information is false. The central government has not issued any notice about giving Rs.7500 to citizens as a relief fund. The Congress party (INC) had made statements addressing the government of India, saying that they should transfer Rupees 7500 to each citizen of India as immediate financial relief and income support from the government of India. Even many Whatsapp forwards were circulated regarding the Central government of India has approved to offer relief fund of 7,500 rupees to each citizen. On June 10, 2020, Press Information Bureau (PBI) released that the Union Government has dismissed the WhatsApp viral message. PIB tweeted it as fake and stated the fraud link given is a Clickbait. They told the citizens to be aware of such Fraudulent websites and WhatsApp forwards. The government has a COVID portal in MyGov site, which provides all information regarding COVID - 19.

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