No, people who arrive in the U.K. after crossing the English Channel in dinghies do not automatically get a range of benefits

By: Iryna Hnatiuk
December 20 2023

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No, people who arrive in the U.K. after crossing the English Channel in dinghies do not automatically get a range of benefits


The Verdict False

Only those with refugee status can access council housing or benefits like Universal Credit.

Claim ID 09ca4403


A post shared on Facebook on November 23 includes a picture of a dinghy and the text, “Cross Channel dinghy for sale. Comes with free council house, weekly benefits, cash lump sum and free British Passport for you and your hundred or cousins.”

The publication suggests that migrants who cross the English Channel by small boat receive several perks, including weekly benefits and free British passports for them and their family members. 

In fact

While some basic support, including a weekly allowance or hotel accommodation, is indeed provided to some asylum seekers, only those with refugee status can access council housing or benefits like Universal Credit. 

People who cross the Channel are taken to a processing center by the Home Office. If a person doesn’t claim asylum, they are typically bailed to an Immigration Removal Centre. 

While awaiting a decision in their case, asylum seekers are entitled to basic support — “essential living needs” and accommodation. The accommodation is temporary, and it might be a hotel or hostel. Once refugee status or humanitarian protection is granted, the person can legally remain in the U.K. and apply for council housing. Under the procedure, they must join the local authority’s waiting list. 

A representative from the Refugee Council, an organization that works with refugees and asylum seekers, confirmed to Logically Facts that some who cross the Channel and are granted refugee status end up with a council house, but this is not guaranteed.

People with refugee status are allowed to apply for benefits such as Universal Credit, but only if they match the necessary criteria. Asylum seekers are not able to claim such benefits. They receive between £9.58 and £47.39 a week, depending on whether the place they temporarily reside provides them with meals.

The claim about a British Passport is incorrect. Only those with British nationality can apply for a British passport. Refugees have to wait many years before they can apply for British citizenship. British nationals born after 2 September 1929 have to pay between £82.50 –£104 for their passport. 

The claim about “hundreds of cousins” is also without merit. A person with permission to stay as a refugee or person with humanitarian protection can apply for their partner or child to join them in the U.K. via family reunion. Those awaiting a decision on their claim or under 18 can not apply for their partner or child to join them in the U.K. 

The verdict

While some asylum seekers get basic support and accommodation, only those with refugee status can access council housing or benefits like Universal Credit. Refugees can apply for British citizenship after years and must pay for their passports. The family reunion scheme is only available for partners or children of a person with a refugee status.

This fact-check was updated on May 29, 2024, to add that the Refugee Council is an organization that works with refugees and asylum seekers.

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