False: Soursop is a fruit that can cure cancer.

By: Arron Williams
December 22 2022

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False: Soursop is a fruit that can cure cancer.


The Verdict False

Soursop has not been tested in human trials. There is no evidence it is able to treat cancer in human patients.

Claim ID bf37d8c4


The claim that the fruit soursop, also known as graviola, can cure cancer has circulated widely on TikTok, and individual videos making that claim have been viewed thousands of times over the course of 2022. Claims state that fruit has the power to cure at least 12 different cancers and that it is more effective than chemotherapy. 

In Fact

Research suggests that soursop has anticancer properties; however, there is a lack of evidence that it is effective and safe to use as a treatment for human cancer patients. If you want to seek out alternative cancer therapy options, consult your doctor. 

Cancer research organizations and medical experts state that there is a lack of evidence to support the use of soursop or graviola leaves as a cancer treatment for humans. For example, a report on soursop by Cancer Research U.K., an independent cancer research organization, states that there isn't reliable scientific evidence that soursop works as a cancer treatment. While several studies have shown positive results, these studies are laboratory studies and are not based on human trials. There have been no valid human clinical trials for soursop as a cancer treatment. 

Similarly, a 2018 article by Healthline that discusses graviola cancer research states that while some laboratory studies do indicate soursop may have anticancer properties, they shouldn't be taken as confirmation that it can treat cancer in humans. These studies have only been carried out in vitro or on animals. For example, one 2016 study in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that a crude leaf extract from the graviola tree had an anti-cancer effect on breast cancer cells by reducing tumor size and killing cancer cells in vitro. The study concludes that graviola is a promising candidate for treatment which requires further research. The Healthline article also discusses other studies that tested the effects of graviola on cancer. The research suggests that it may be effective against cancers such as cancers of the pancreas, prostate, colon, liver, and lung. The studies show that graviola has various anticancer effects, such as inhibiting tumor growth, destroying chemotherapy-resistant cells, and suppressing cancer cells. However, despite several promising findings, there is no evidence that it can cure or treat cancer in humans. Further research, including human trials, is still needed to determine its effectiveness. 

Despite its promising anti-cancer effects, research and experts have mentioned that there are potential negative side effects of soursop consumption. Both Cancer Research UK and the Cancer Treatment Centers of America state that soursop could lead to the development and symptoms of Parkinson's disease, cause nerve damage and damage the kidneys or liver if taken frequently. Similarly, studies on animals show that graviola may lower blood pressure and blood sugar. 

However, it is unlikely that food or drink containing soursop or graviola leaves could harm you if taken as part of a normal diet. 

The Verdict

While research shows that soursop has anti-cancer properties in laboratory experiments, there have been no human trials. Therefore there is no evidence that soursop can cure cancer, and we have marked this claim as false.

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