Home False: Street vendors in Ahmedabad have been evicted in order to prepare for the visit of the United States President Donald Trump on 24 February 2020.

False: Street vendors in Ahmedabad have been evicted in order to prepare for the visit of the United States President Donald Trump on 24 February 2020.

By: Annie Priya

May 11 2020

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False: Street vendors in Ahmedabad have been evicted in order to prepare for the visit of the United States President Donald Trump on 24 February 2020.


The Verdict False

A video by OdishaTV and Ahmedabad Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nehra's clarification video posted on Desh Gujarat's Twitter disproves the statement.

A video by OdishaTV and Ahmedabad Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nehra's clarification video posted on Desh Gujarat's Twitter disproves the statement.A video of an eviction drive from the Odisha is being falsely shared on social media as street-side vendors in Gujarat being evicted in preparation for the visit of the United States President Donald Trump's visit on 24 February 2020. The same video clip was uploaded by Odisha TV on 24 January 2020, which had reported about a market eviction drive against illegal encroachment by the Municipal Corporation in Unit 1 Market, Bhubaneshwar. A video clip posted on Desh Gujarat's Twitter shows the Ahmedabad Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nehra refuting the allegation that street vendors were evicted in Ahmedabad. He also clarified that it as an old video of a different state.

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