By: Dhanush C
May 11 2020
Articles by NCBI and the Journal of Hospital Infection prove that the coronavirus may persist on the surfaces and can be spread through newspapers.
Articles by NCBI and the Journal of Hospital Infection prove that the coronavirus may persist on the surfaces and can be spread through newspapers.An article about the persistence of coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces states that coronaviruses can remain infectious for up to two hours to nine days. Further, it also states that the virus can remain infectious for four to five days on the paper surface at room temperature. High temperatures of about 30 to 40-degree celsius reduce the persistence of the virus on the surface. (Refer Page No.2) Information published by PubMed Central (NCBI) states that paper currency could lead to the spread of nosocomial infections, banknotes recovered from hospitals are highly contaminated and some of the viruses can be transmitted through the exchange of currency. The World Health Organization (WHO) has answered an FAQ about the survival period of the virus by stating that it is not certain how long the novel coronavirus can survive on surfaces. It adds that studies suggest that it can persist on any surface for a few hours or up to several days varying under the environment condition. (To access the information, click on 'How long does the virus survive on surfaces?') The COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to a lot of potentially dangerous misinformation. For reliable advice on COVID-19 including symptoms, prevention and available treatment, please refer to the World Health Organisation or your national healthcare authority.