True: A girl committed suicide after an Instagram poll.

By: Annet Preethi Furtado
May 13 2020

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True: A girl committed suicide after an Instagram poll.


The Verdict True

Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission's(MCMC) statement confirms that a girl killed herself after taking an Instagram poll.

Claim ID d76efeaf

Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission's(MCMC) statement confirms that a girl killed herself after taking an Instagram poll.A 16-year old girl from Malaysia asked her followers on Instagram to vote D or L after posting a poll with the caption “Really Important, Help Me Choose D/L” on her Instagram status. 31% voted “L," while 69% voted "D” without actually what 'D' or 'L' stood for. On May 13, 2019, she killed herself by jumping from the third floor of the Batu Kawa New Township, Malaysia.

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