In the spring of 2023, Logically Facts commissioned consumer research in India, the UK and the US to better understand the public’s attitude towards fact-checking, media and social platforms, and technology.

Surveying over 6,000 people in three countries, our research reveals that the public are supportive of fact-checking in all geographies and across both genders and all age groups. Additionally, people are comfortable with advanced technologies being applied to fact checking, especially when paired with human expertise.

Whilst fact-checking is important, it was revealed that a significant portion of the public have lost trust in all media. Traditional mainstream media remains the most trusted source of information, but only narrowly, and is surpassed when combining various social media platforms. Now more than ever, facts matter.

Global Fact 10 Research report, from Logically

The report's key findings will be presented at Global Fact 10

Fact-checking is needed now more than ever. 22% of the public have lost trust in all media, and social media platforms as a whole are trusted over mainstream media. 74% of the public expect all media to maintain and improve verification and contextualisation efforts, and 71% trust technology to be part of the solution. 

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Global Fact-Checks Completed

We rely on information to make meaningful decisions that affect our lives, but the nature of the internet means that misinformation reaches more people faster than ever before